Part of shopping for a house to buy is calculating whether or not you’ll be able to comfortably afford the monthly mortgage payment. Nobody wants to buy a house that causes them financial stress. So figuring out your approximate payment and how that fits into your monthly budget is key to choosing a house that’s right for you. Of course, having a steady job and a consistent income will help make your mortgage payment easier to manage. Which is why the improved job market is among the reasons credited for new numbers showing mortgage delinquencies at record lows. According to the data, late mortgage payments have fallen to a nearly 20-year low. Just in the past year, they’re down 7.5 percent and, combined with foreclosure starts falling to a more than 18-year low, the improvement represents a major turnaround from where things were following the financial crisis and housing crash. But it isn’t really that surprising. After all, the labor market has been stronger in recent years. And with increased job security and growing wages, more homeowners have been able to avoid financial stress and stay on top of their payments. More here.
Late Mortgage Payments Hit Record Low